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Drawing, Weaving, and Speaking Live Generative Music (taller, Barcelona)


Drawing, Weaving and Speaking Live Generative Music
“This workshop will explore alternative strategies for creating live sound and music. We will make connections between generative code and our perception of music, using metaphors of speech, knitting and shape, and playing with code as material. We will take a fresh look at generative systems, not through formal understanding but just by trying things out.”

“Through the sessions, we will work up through the layers of generative code. We will take a side look at symbols, inventing alphabets and drawing sound. We will string symbols together into words, exploring their musical properties, and how they can be interpreted by computers. We will weave words into the patterns of language, as live generation and transformation of musical patterns. We will learn how generative code is like musical notation, and how one can come up with live coding environments that are more like graphical scores.”

“We will visit systems like Python, Supercollider, Haskell, OpenFrameworks, Processing, OpenCV and experiment as well with more esoteric interfaces.”

Nivel: Introductorio/Intermedio

Idioma: Inglés

Tutor: Alex McLean


Martes 23.07.2013, 17:00-21:00h
Jueves 25.07.2013, 17:00-21:00h
Sábado 27.07.2013, 12:00-18:00h
Lunes 29.07.2013, 17:00-21:00h
Miércoles 31.07.2013, 17:00-21:00h

Lugar: Hangar. Passatge del Marquès de Santa Isabel, 40. Barcelona. Metro Poblenou.

Precio: Gratuito.

+info: [ http://lullcec.org/2013/workshops/drawing-weaving-and-speaking-live-generative-music/ ]

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